Det er tid til reform
“The latest videos to surface showing white men chase, corner, and execute a young man who was out jogging, or showing an officer kneeling with his weight on a man’s neck for eight minutes shock the conscience and evoke the very terror that the lynching regime in the United States was intended to inspire”, udtaler eksperterne i en udtalelse fra 5. juni.
Lynchning var udbredt særligt i Sydstaterne i USA helt frem til 1920’erne.
Dertil kommer regeringens tilskyndelse og trusler om vold. ”Black people have good reason to fear for their lives,” lyder konklusionen fra eksperterne, der er udnævnt, men uafhængige af FN’s Menneskerettighedsråd.
FN’s Menneskerettighedskommissær, Michelle Bachelet har også været klar i mælet om udviklingen i landet:
“I am dismayed to have to add George Floyd’s name to that of Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Michael Brown and many other unarmed African Americans who have died over the years at the hands of the police — as well as people such as Ahmaud Arbery and Trayvon Martin who were killed by armed members of the public,” she said.