COP25 i gang i Madrid
”The signals of hope are multiplying. (…) Public opinion is waking up everywhere. Young people are showing remarkable leadership and mobilization. More and more cities, financial institutions and businesses are committing to the 1.5 -degree pathway (…).
What is still lacking is political will.
Political will to put a price on carbon. Political will to stop subsidies on fossil fuels. Political will to stop building coal power plants from 2020 onwards. Political will to shift taxation from income to carbon - taxing pollution instead of people. We simply have to stop digging and drilling and take advantage of the vast possibilities offered by renewable energy and nature-based solutions.”
Her kan du læse hans fulde tale fra åbningen.
Mere end 25.000 landeoverhoveder, ministre, embedsmænd, forretningsfolk og aktivister vil samles i løbet af de næste 2 uger i Madrid. Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsminister Dan Jørgensen deltager på vegne af Danmark. Fra civilsamfundets side deltager repræsentanter fra 92-gruppen, Care, Verdens Skove, Sex & Samfund, Vedvarende Energi og IWGIA.
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