1. januar 0001

Regeringens New York-speak vs. Christiansborg-speak


Lars Løkke Rasmussen, da han sidst var på talerstolen i FN's Generalforsamling i 2015 UN Photo/Amanda Voisard



Reform, ligestilling og kvinders rettigheder, uddannelse og ungedeltagelse var blandt temaerne, der blev fremhævet i en flot tale fra udviklingsminister Ulla Tørnæs på Danmarks vegne foran FN's Generalforsamling i New York, gjorde hun det klart, hvordan Danmark og Verden har brug for et stærkt FN.

"Seventy years ago, this General Assembly adopted the first global human rights charter - the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The declaration codified the most basic principles of human dignity - emphasizing that we are all equal. We committed ourselves to an international order where rights and freedoms could be fully realized.

Seventy years ago, we knew that international cooperation was the only way to protect our populations. And through this organization, we have delivered remarkable results.

Still, the foundation on which this organization is built has perhaps never been under more pressure than today. The very principle of multilateralism is being questioned. Doubt is being cast on the frameworks that protect human rights, ensure free trade and promote global development. Insufficient action is being taken on global problems like climate change, poverty, migration, terrorism and violent extremism.

To Denmark, the path forward is clear: Global challenges need global solutions. And to this end, we need a strong United Nations with its unique legitimacy and its universal membership. A United Nations that delivers on its full potential."


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Statsministeren var fløjet tilbage til Danmark, da udviklingsministeren afgav sin tale på Danmarks vegne i Generalforsamlingen, og hverken FN og multilateralismen var da heller ikke nogle steder at spore, da statsministeren kun 4 dage senere stillede sig på talerstolen i Folketinget til åbningen af den nye politiske sæson. Det globale udsyn strakte sig så langt som til EU og NATO, og det globale ansvar syntes langt væk.

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