1. januar 0001

Nye bæredygtighedsmål på Christiansborg

Politikerpanel 26feb2015

De nye globale bæredygtighedsmål, der skal sætte udviklingsdagsordenen de næste 15 år, var til debat den 26. februar på Christiansborg, bl.a. med Folketingspartiernes udviklingsordførere.

Bag arrangementet stod UNDP, Udenrigsministeriet og FN-forbundet.


'2015 is a year of critical importance. We stand on the cusp of a new era of sustainable development. We are the first generation with the ability to eliminate poverty and we are the last generation who can rein in climate change before it is too late. The responsibility is ours - and the time to act is now.'

> LÆS HELE Magdy Martinez-Soliman, Assisterende FN Generalsekretær og UNDP direktør for Policy og Programstøttes tale

'The SDGs represent a new and integrated approach and implementation will have to reflect that. In particular, this includes integrating all three dimensions of sustainable development, the economic, social, and environmental dimensions, in a balanced manner. And Denmark is actually already underpinning the universal character of the agenda. Many countries, developed and developing alike, look to us in important areas such a green technologies, health care, tax systems, our education and welfare systems, and in matters regarding our labor market. Our history of social dialogue and public-private partnership is one to learn from.'

> LÆS HELE Handels- og udviklingsminister Mogens Jensens tale

'Formally speaking governments will decide and commit themselves on the new goals for sustainable development. But in real life decisions are made by the daily acts and choices of ordinary citizens. Whether or not we will successfully meet the challenge of implementation for the SDG's depends essentially on building lasting partnership with the global citizen.'

> LÆS HELE FN-forbundets landsformand Jørgen Estrups tale